Fairy of Delight Living Deep and Safely Inside

Hello Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

I hope this finds you well and happy!

Last month, I was reading about delight and its power to lighten us even when we’re in dismal and darkening days.

I stepped into each day committed to experiencing and sharing delight. That happened easily in the morning, but after a long day, my ability to find delight seemed to be gone. Was it really? I didn’t think so. Here’s a fairy to support that:

Beneath the words, 'the fairy of delight living deep and safely inside me all of the time' stands a fairy with outstretched arms, a dress with a red heart in the middle and two speech bubbles on either side containing the words "Yes" "I'm here."

My friend Corey saw this fairy on Facebook and said it reminded her of a poem by Edna St. Vincent Millay:

“I can't recall the title, but I often find myself thinking or saying aloud the final stanza:”

For wonder leaps upon me still,

And makes me dizzy, makes me ill,

But never frightened - for I know -

Not where - but in whose hands I go:

The lovely fingers of Delight

Have hold me and hold me tight.

Thank you Corey! For the entire Edna St. Vincent Millay poem click here.

May you continue to find delight in these upcoming busy days.

And, in honor of the gift giving during of this season, please know that we have Fairy Decks in an assortment of beautifully handmade bags available on our on-line store, studio and at Thirty-odd on Pine Street.

We’ll be back in touch as we get closer to the Solstice.

All the best!

Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

p.s. I was not able to perform my Petcha Kucha about the fairies in October but I hope to revive the show and perform it in June. Stay tuned.

Fairy of Autumn

Dear Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

Those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, are in Autumn. I’ve read that this is a wonderful time to release something so you can create space to dream into your life something new.

To support us, I consulted our ‘Fairy of the Day’ app and this is the fairy that arrived for us:

Ah, the Fairy of the Light Shining is a great one for this time. As we grapple with either what or how to release what we no longer need in our lives we can feel a sense of darkness. Or if we’ve released something, we can feel a sense of loss until we clarify and begin to head into something new.

Keep heading towards the light that is always there for you and saying ‘hi.’

I’ve been reaching out to people and asking them to send me images of the Bluebird Fairies they have in their lives. The ones that cheer them on as they move forward. If you have an image you’d like to share, please send a picture to emily@bluebirdfairies.com.

What will I do with them? They’ll be included as a big community fairy montage for a performance I’ll be performing on October 5th in Burlington’s Flynnspace called “Lessons from my Left Handed Life.” (see notice below)

We thank you for being a part of our lives.

Have a wonderful rest of the day.

All the best!

Emily and the Fairies

Fairy of Art Hop

Dear Friends of Bluebird,

I hope this finds you well.

Here’s the fairy supporting my efforts these days:

Beneath the words "Fairy of Art Hop" stands a fairy wearing a blue dress with a yellow crescent moon. On either side of her are speech bubbles containing the words "I'm here" and "EnJOY."

As I write this, I’m in the midst of my preparations for Art Hop. It was nine years ago that I shared my left handed drawings with the Art Hop public. Now, I approach each season of it with great anticipation for the several days in which I can live in my ‘Bluebird Fairy World.’

This year I’m excited to share several things:

The follow up from last year’s collection of names for a Flamingo I wove out of pink plastic from a broken floaty. The name was selected by my friend Sarah, a woman whose life’s work involves researching (and discovering) spiders. On Saturday September 9th we’ll have a Flamingo Naming Ceremony. Please join us for a celebration of our interconnected existence. How do spiders connect with flamingos? That answer and more will be found in this 30 minute interactive event.

I have long been hinting that I’ll once again create paper mache cats and I have! Perhaps you are in need of a prosperity cat? Come and see (or if you’re not in the area) contact me.

And…there’s a very nice fairy poster. It was designed by Stephanie Salmon after my friend Sandy said she wanted something filled with fairies (it has 25!). Now, she gazes up at it to see which fairy jumps out at her. It’s a whole new way of getting your ‘Fairy of the Day!’

Hope to see you Vermonters!

Regardless, please enJOY. Let’s allow the coming weekend to be a magical one for us all. We need it.

All the Best,

Emily and the Fairies

Around the Edges of Oddness

Dear Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

Oh, it’s been a hard week in Vermont. I feel the best thing to do today is to share another poem by Mary Pratt. It’s inspired by this fairy:

Beneath the words "Fairy of Around the Edges of Oddness" stands a fairy with outstretches arms. Speech bubbles with the words "Aha" "Live it" and "go".



Come, dance around the edge of Odd —

the only place you can find god

(or gods) or elves or unicorns.

Try dancing on these gloomy morns

when all the world is grim and hot

and all we long to do seems not

so possible.

Come, find the magic beneath the trees

where birds sing carols with the bees,

and fairies twine flowers through the hedges

and do odd dances around the edges.

-Mary Pratt


Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

Magic of Summer is Here!

Dear Bluebird Friends,

In the Northern Hemisphere it has become Summer.

I hope you are easing into it with patience for your process.

All I have read, points towards an exciting time in which we shed what no longer serves us and step into that which is our destiny.

On the first day of summer, I drew this fairy to support us in those endeavors:

Above a fairy wearing a purple dress and holding purple grapes are the words "Summer Fairy Helping Us bring our dreams to fruition."

Oh, let the dreams roll in. Spend time feeding the ones that feel right and then, sit back and allow them to grow.

Here’s a dream I had germinating for several years; officiating a wedding.

Having had Bluebird Fairies introduce me to my husband who then made me a fairy booth through which I have had so many wonderful conversations with people. I don’t know, I just felt the urge. So, when Anais and Paul, out of the blue, asked me to officiate their wedding, it felt so good. Congratulations you two!!!

I loved the whole process of the wedding ceremony creation, especially since it was easy to call on the fairies for guidance. Have you ever seen a Fairy Card Reading in a wedding before?

So, that’s an example of the fruition part.

Now, let’s get back to the knowing and the growing of the dreams because this Summer Fairy is here to support you TRYing anything.

Onward and upward with love,

Emily and the Fairies.

“…As the streaming light of purposeful joy replenishes our hearts, may we allow the world magic of this time and space to restore our knowing that today is still fertile with possibility to do good work and to rejoice.”

-Molly Remer  Mother Tongue Ink 2022