Bluebird Fairies grew out of a set of hand drawn fairies created when I was changing my life.
Welcome to Bluebird Fairies!
In 2014, at the South End Art Hop in Burlington, something magical happened: the Fairy Cards came together to form an oracle deck. These cards don't predict the future, they spark conversations that help people connect with their present.
From there, we created the Fairy Booth, where Fairy Card Readings take place in style. People began buying Fairy Decks for themselves and their loved ones, sharing stories of how they incorporate them into their daily lives.
Now, Bluebird Fairy Decks and more are available in our shop. Plus, don't miss our 'Fairy of the Day' app, bringing daily inspiration to your fingertips.
Join the fun by reading our blog, where we share inspirational writings about our 'Earnest Little Drawings that Help you Do Big Things.' Sign up to receive notifications when we post!
We were delighted to be interviewed for an episode of Gary De Carolis’ show, Celebrate Life, last summer. Check it out here.
And be sure to check out Rachel Elizabeth Jones' fantastic Seven Days article about our work.
We can't wait to connect with you at a fun venue soon. Have fun exploring!
Bluebird Fairies are "Earnest little drawings that help people do BIG THINGS".
"Hi Emily, I found one of your Bluebird Fairy cards in a book that was returned to the Fletcher Free Library." The 'Fairy of Good Wishes Around You.' It warmed my heart." -Christine
"Dear Emily,
I'm writing from Mexico City . We're visiting our son. He and his love have a pack of your fairy cards. Every morning they draw and set one up. The day we arrived they had just hung up replacement hummingbird feeder to enhance their bird friends. And the next card they drew was the fairy of bird relationships. They love the practice.
Gracias por todo. ' -Sharyl
"Feeling so nervous about my house closing today and my dad just bent over to pick up what appeared to be a scrap of paper from my very messy half-packed apartment and turned it over. It's the 'Fairy of You Can Do it!' -Robyn
"Taking a fairy card has become somewhat of a ritual in our morning meetings. As teachers in a busy school, with the stress and unpredictability that comes with the territory, this ritual has helped us to center ourselves, find an intention for the day, and have a moment to reflect before diving in to our work. Sharing the cards with each other has also been an awesome moment of connection, bonding, and often times humor. Their range of styles and their playful nature has made it easy for anyone to feel comfortable jumping in, and we have all begun to look forward to seeing which card will guide our day. We love bluebird fairies!"
- Abby, Rock Point School
"I love the way you approach life like it is a garden of mysteries waiting to be solved, and taking pleasure at every phase of the journey." Elizabeth
“Emily is a poised overseer of transitions and is skilled at tracking down scarce resources. She can help you acquire the information and enhancements you don’t quite have the power to get by yourself. When conditions are murky or perplexing, this soul is enterprising and inventive.” ”