Fairy of Autumn

Dear Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

Those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, are in Autumn. I’ve read that this is a wonderful time to release something so you can create space to dream into your life something new.

To support us, I consulted our ‘Fairy of the Day’ app and this is the fairy that arrived for us:

Ah, the Fairy of the Light Shining is a great one for this time. As we grapple with either what or how to release what we no longer need in our lives we can feel a sense of darkness. Or if we’ve released something, we can feel a sense of loss until we clarify and begin to head into something new.

Keep heading towards the light that is always there for you and saying ‘hi.’

I’ve been reaching out to people and asking them to send me images of the Bluebird Fairies they have in their lives. The ones that cheer them on as they move forward. If you have an image you’d like to share, please send a picture to emily@bluebirdfairies.com.

What will I do with them? They’ll be included as a big community fairy montage for a performance I’ll be performing on October 5th in Burlington’s Flynnspace called “Lessons from my Left Handed Life.” (see notice below)

We thank you for being a part of our lives.

Have a wonderful rest of the day.

All the best!

Emily and the Fairies