Happy Lunar New Year

Hello Everyone,

How are you? I hope you’re finding ways to move with a smile growing on your face.

I’m always heartened this time of year by honoring, in my way, the festivities of the Lunar New Year. Please join me in welcoming-

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The Fairy of the Rat who’s exclaiming “Make plans to flourish well!” The reading I’ve done for Lunar Year 2020 informed me that in the year of a Metal Rat we can flourish IF we develop clear plans.

I’ve been struggling with that. You know those big plans, I’m sure. Mine include huge changes in occupation and a totally different home. My husband’s dreams include us setting up a life in another country.

Those may happen but, luckily, the other day a thought came to me. I decided to write down 10 things that would make my life flourish right now.

Here’s a few of them-

Renew my gym membership and go.

Regular contact with my nieces and other young women in my life.


Read inspirational literature everyday


Can’t wait for you to take a quiet moment and jot down your 10. Then, each day, in your own way, practice your 10 steps to flourishing NOW.

Wishing you all the best,

Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

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A New Year for US

Hello Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

It’s been some time since I took a moment to sit down. I’m so happy to be writing to you.

I picked a “Fairy of the Year” for us.

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It’s the ‘Fairy of It’s Okay’ with his orange vest and infamous suggestion, ‘Leaving Room for the Magic is a Good Idea.’ All this year, you need never fear, as there is always the possibility that a wonderful thing is right around the next corner.

I’ve been reading about this New Year and the most consistent suggestion for making it successful is caring for your body. Attend to medical appointments that need scheduling. Take time out of your day to move your body. Be in nature. Dance. Do yoga. Participate in a movement class. In a nutshell- Make a fun plan and do it!

To support that intention here is…

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…the ‘Fairy of Sustained Self-Love.’ She, adorned with her orange and purple dress sporting a huge heart, announces “I’m Here.”

Have fun with her.


Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

Announcement- My friend Maria is offering a weekly singing class called “Healing Songs” at our studio January 28-March 17. You can learn more on our Facebook Page or by going directly to the EventBrite site.

Fairy of Rejunvenation

Hello Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

I hope this posting finds you well.

It’s been a busy time in the realm of Bluebird Fairies.

One outcome is that we have a new ‘Fairy of the Day Stand’ created by Brian Merrill that holds both the deck and featured fairy.


Most recently I’ve had days of being at craft shows where I connected with people who are drawn to the magic of ‘these Earnest Little Drawings that Help Us Do BIG THINGS’.

Last night, I performed my Crankie show, ‘Accomplishing Big Things’ at the Light Club Lamp Shop in Burlington. It’s a visual and musical retelling of how I met Brian Merrill at the South End Art Hop and he suggested my 63 fairies could be an Oracle Deck and hatched the idea of the ‘Fairy of the Day app.’

Today, on the app, this fairy arrived not once, but twice. So, I’m declaring her the fairy of this blog post. Here she is in all her glory:


Oh , I love the ‘Fairy of Rejuvenation.’ She’s radiant and smart and her message of ‘Embrace Difference and that which buoys you’ is what I imagine we all need in these busy days of projects and holidays.

I’m hoping you can find time to move into her wisdom.

Love it and Live it.

All the best,


P.S. Here’s a great rejuvenating activity for you- We’re having a Bluebird Boutique and Fairy Spa.

It’s Saturday December 14 from 11-4.

Come for 5 minutes or stay for a while. There will be FAIRY DOOR PRIZES of all kinds.

We hope to see you there.


Miracle of Miracles

Hello Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

Here we are at the beginning of the holiday season in the United States of America.

I have been very happily working in my studio to prepare for three upcoming shows; The Women’s Festival of Crafts, the Champlain Waldorf School’s Holiday Fair and an afternoon sale/party in my studio on Saturday December 14.

I’d like to share with you the Bluebird Fairy for this season-

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The ‘Miracle of Miracles Fairy’ holding her two pots of gold exclaims “I’m here!”

This is a new style of fairy I’ve been making and, like all the others, it support positive thoughtforms in our lives.

Bluebird Fairies, and demons with their antidotes, support our abilities to create the lives we want for ourselves, families, communities, countries, hemispheres and world by supporting our positive thoughts and clear vision.

During Art Hop I gave a deck of fairy cards to a woman who was about to start a yoga and writing class with young girls. Here’s what she wrote me-

“My name is Moya and I stopped by at Art Hop and you gave me a deck of fairies to use with my middle school girls writing and yoga group. We are on week three of the group and the girls ADORE them.

Last week we used them in a sharing circle then used the fairy we each picked as a creative writing prompt.They wrote the most beautiful stories about each of their fairies and built beautiful little worlds for them with their words.

They love them so much, we have added them into the daily ritual of our little group and they have been instrumental as a platform for the girls to open up and share about what they are going through and how they are feeling. I was also able to find a fantastic driftwood wand for them to hold while sharing!

So much magic! Thank you so much for creating these fantastic little personalities and for sharing them with the girls and I! I feel so blessed to have them as a part of my little group and to get to share them. They are truly magical!”

For me, this is part of the Miracle of Miracles. It’s our human magic unfolding as we continue to support positivity growing in our world. And, where better to start than a group of thoughtful girls?

Onward and Upward!

I hope to see you soon.

All the best,

Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

from the daily ritual of Moya and the girls

from the daily ritual of Moya and the girls

Take Time to See the Beauty and Feel the Magic

Hello Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

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We are now well into the autumn season in the Northern Hemisphere. I hope you’ve been enjoying the shifts in energy, color and temperatures. Where I live the crickets still sing at night. We know, though, that this will change.

It was recently my birthday. My mother gave me a card that included these words by May Sarton:

“I think of the trees and how simply they let go, let fall the riches of a season, how without grief (it seems) they can let go and go deep into their roots for renewal and sleep… Imitate the trees. Learn to lose in order to recover, and remember that nothing stays the same for long, not even pain, psychic pain. Sit it out. Let it all pass. Let it go.”

On the autumnal equinox, as I always do, I picked a ‘Fairy of the Season.’ ‘The Fairy of Let This Be the Magic’ arrived in his purple suit.


This fairy holds the very notion that our most challenging and difficult times might also assist the important transformations in our lives. Can you ‘learn to lose in order to recover’ like May Sarton suggests?

We wish you great ease in this process and fun!

All the best,

Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

P.S. You can catch up with us at The Women’s Business and Crafters Expo in Vergennes

Sunday November 3rd from 12:30-4:30.

Find the Eagles Club on New Haven Road

and then, Find Us!

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