Hello Friends of Bluebird Fairies,
Here we are at the beginning of the holiday season in the United States of America.
I have been very happily working in my studio to prepare for three upcoming shows; The Women’s Festival of Crafts, the Champlain Waldorf School’s Holiday Fair and an afternoon sale/party in my studio on Saturday December 14.
I’d like to share with you the Bluebird Fairy for this season-
The ‘Miracle of Miracles Fairy’ holding her two pots of gold exclaims “I’m here!”
This is a new style of fairy I’ve been making and, like all the others, it support positive thoughtforms in our lives.
Bluebird Fairies, and demons with their antidotes, support our abilities to create the lives we want for ourselves, families, communities, countries, hemispheres and world by supporting our positive thoughts and clear vision.
During Art Hop I gave a deck of fairy cards to a woman who was about to start a yoga and writing class with young girls. Here’s what she wrote me-
“My name is Moya and I stopped by at Art Hop and you gave me a deck of fairies to use with my middle school girls writing and yoga group. We are on week three of the group and the girls ADORE them.
Last week we used them in a sharing circle then used the fairy we each picked as a creative writing prompt.They wrote the most beautiful stories about each of their fairies and built beautiful little worlds for them with their words.
They love them so much, we have added them into the daily ritual of our little group and they have been instrumental as a platform for the girls to open up and share about what they are going through and how they are feeling. I was also able to find a fantastic driftwood wand for them to hold while sharing!
So much magic! Thank you so much for creating these fantastic little personalities and for sharing them with the girls and I! I feel so blessed to have them as a part of my little group and to get to share them. They are truly magical!”
For me, this is part of the Miracle of Miracles. It’s our human magic unfolding as we continue to support positivity growing in our world. And, where better to start than a group of thoughtful girls?
Onward and Upward!
I hope to see you soon.
All the best,
Emily and the Bluebird Fairies
from the daily ritual of Moya and the girls