He reminds me that we must keep finding ways to be the genius we are waiting for. The answers are often within us, waiting to be awakened.
Yesterday, I spoke with a friend who is in her own deep winter, a challenging situation that seems to grow heavier with time. She is the queen of making things magical and fun, often lifting herself and her husband above it all, as though on a magic carpet.
A few days ago, I told her that even though I was too far away to take a walk with them, I hoped that when they saw a turkey, they’d think of me. (Did you know wild turkeys live in Cambridge, Massachusetts?) When we spoke again, she exclaimed, "Emily! That very day, we saw a majestic turkey, and beside it were two plastic flamingos." Flamingos, symbols of moving easily through emotions, are one of my good-feeling animals.
This magical moment inspired me to create this drawing: