Welcome, Year of the Tiger

Happy Lunar New Year Bluebird Fairy Friends!

On February 1st, we’ll be firmly in the year of the Tiger. Well, as firmly as you can be with a Water Tiger. She’s fierce, emotional and ready to step daringly with you into your future. Are you ready? Here she is:

'Fairy of the powerful, passionate, and daring Water Tiger' is orange with black stripes white wings and exists in a star filled blue. "Trust your intuition, blaze new paths" in speech bubbles.e

As promised, we have some support to bolster your courage.

Gwendolyn Evans and I have recorded your Energy Map for 2022. This video will give you an overall word for the year and for each month, as well as a fairy for the year and each season. I look forward to hearing how these words and fairies work for you.

Gwendolyn and I are available for more insights.

As always, onward and upward with positivity and GRACE.

With much love,

Emily and the Bluebird Fairies.