Foraging and Prosperity Fairies

Dear Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

I hope this find you well.

During the days of my ‘shelter in place’ I spent a lot of time walking in the woods near my home. Inspired by thoughts of food insecurity I became even more interested in finding things I could harvest to eat. This has been an enriching experience and a great reminder that all around us are plants filled with nutrients that often are overlooked or discarded to make room for other plants.

While our lives continue to have restrictions, let’s look for the riches around us. Here’s a fairy to support that search:

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I love this fairy’s big smile and arms with abundant greens. His proclamations of gratitude spilling into speech bubbles;‘Thank You!’ ‘Ah, yes!’

Within our lives we can forage. I suspect you, too, have been finding old wishes and pockets of time here and there. And, maybe like me you’ve found true treasures- my grandmother’s typewriter, an accordion I, until now, thought was too big for me.

AND…there’s the Prosperity Fairies!!!!

These are four fairies a woman found at my Fairy Booth last summer. They were ‘one of a kind fairies, each framed and ready to go. She really wanted them to become Fairy Cards. And, now, here they are, the first set of supplemental cards for the Bluebird Fairy Deck.

Is your Fairy Deck (or your friend’s) feeling like it needs some enrichment? These 4 fairies: ‘Healthy Wealth’, ‘Your Life Efforts Flowing Easily, ‘Money and Connected Troubles’ and ‘New Truth, Choice and Action’ are ready to join you. You can find them here at our store.

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Each set will arrive with the amazing Fairy of the Rat whose aim is to support ALL of our plans to flourish this year.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Emily and the Bluebird Fairies