The Space Around You

Dear Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

I hope this blog post finds you well as we all continue to learn more about the Covid-19 virus and how we can protect ourselves and our fellow humans.

I have some good sources of inspiration supporting me as we move through this time.

Lena from the Power Path School of Shamanism wrote recently in an email-

‘The best thing all of us can do right now is to be flexible, discerning, focus on self care and stay out of fear and anxiety. Energetically, viruses and parasites feed on fear which is a lower vibration. Humor, beauty, trust, love and joy are all of a higher vibration and a better place to be right now. Be smart, pay attention, and follow your intuition.’

I believe that we in the United States do need to move into practicing ‘Social Distancing’ to minimize the spread of the virus. Here’s a fairy to support that-

Space Around You-Color version.jpg

The ‘Fairy of the Space Around’ us with her declaration of “I’m with you” supports our actions of distancing.

Jen Hofmann shared today in today’s posting of her weekly “Americans of Conscience” checklist-

‘When practicing social distancing to prevent transmitting illness, we can still greet someone with a warm look, a kind smile, hand over heart as a gesture of affection. We can laugh together about how awkward it is not to shake hands or hug out of habit, and remind each other this is another form of love.

The citizens of Italy–whose country is under severe quarantine restrictions–are standing on their balconies and singing to help each other feel less lonely. This is love in action.’

What my mind moves into is-WHAT we can do with this new space around us? Can there be more room for us to lovingly know who we are?

We will be exploring this new kind of time together.

We’ll be in touch again soon.

Take care, be well and wash your hands.

Emily and the Bluebird Fairies