Locating the 'Edges of Oddness'

This morning I received an email from Mary Pratt who said “The Fairy who appeared this morning inspired my daily poem.”

Her fairy was-


Hurray for the ‘Fairy of Around the Edges of Oddness.’ My friend Tracy Thresher used that phrase in an explanation and the words stayed in my head till one day they crept out as a fairy.

I asked Mary if I could share her poem and her daily fairy practice and she agreed.

Mary’s poem is an amazing description of where you won’t find the ‘edges’ and where you might. (there’s a link to it below) I look forward to sharing it with Tracy because I think he will enjoy its resonance.

Regarding her daily practice Mary said- I’ve just been picking a fairy out of the pack every day—in a fairly orderly way—the one on the top—since Cathy gave them to me. When I’ve been through the whole deck, I’ll shuffle and start again. The Chosen Fairy is hung up on a kitchen cabinet so I can see it off and on all day. I like them so very much!

I love hearing this.

Do you have a story to tell about how the fairies play a part in your life in a daily way? Or, like Mary, art inspired by the fairies?

I would love to know because I’m developing a home on our website for the Bluebird Community. You can find Mary’s poem here.

We are thankful to be a part of your lives.

Onward and Upward!


Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

FairyOfTheDay_FBgraphic (1).jpg

Find it here.