Fairy of Good Grandpa

Dear Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

Art Hop was wonderful. Thank you to all who stopped in. Our studio had a magical feeling in it.


I used the opportunity of the South End Art Hop to celebrate the growth of my little line drawings into a company called Bluebird Fairies that bears the tag line- “Earnest Drawings to Help You Do BIG THINGS.”

For this I had an exhibit about my marriage to Brian Merrill this summer; the man I met 4 years ago when I first exhibited my “fairies.” I also performed my new ‘Fairy of the Day’ promoting Crankie Show, ‘Accomplishing Big Things’, 12 times to enthusiastic audiences on Saturday.


On Sunday a wonderful group of 16 gathered to sing along to the soundtrack of the movie HAIR. I was touched to be with others who know this music by heart.

Todays’ Fairy, picked at random, from the Bluebird Fairy Deck is:


’The Fairy of Good Grandpa’ has been showing up a lot recently. Good Grandpa contains all the energy you need to succeed in something. My Grandfather gave me this energy the entire time he was alive in my life. This fairy supports his ability to continue to do this.

In this instance, I know he’s supporting these next steps for Bluebird Fairies. The ones in which Bluebird Fairies begins growing into what it will be. I know, because of the ‘Good Grandpa’ it can.

Please take this amazing power into your own life. Have fun!

We’ll be in touch.

Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

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Get the ‘Fairy of the Day’ app today.  Click here.

Let us know what your first fairy is and how it resonates, please.  
