The Bridging Fairy

Hello Everyone,

I hope you're doing well as we enter the warmer, greener times.

I'm one of those people, and I know there are many of us, who juggles several jobs because I'm an artist and I work in social services.  For the most part, I try to keep these roles separate but, as my art work is so connected to supporting me as a human being, sometimes there are nice overlaps.

The culminating program for the high school program I coordinate out of Champlain Community Services took place last week.  Afterwards, Blythe Leonard, the woman whose brainstorm created this program many years ago wrote:

"Bravo Emily.  You bring such wonderful energy, joy and thoughtfulness to this program.  The students said it so well this evening. You help them connect with each other and with their community.  You are our Bridging Fairy."

So, today I bring to you this fairy:

The Bridging Fairy.jpg

May 'the Bridging Fairy' with her words of "Yes, you can be you!"  assist us all in bridging the many aspects of our lives together in our unique ways.

Some photos of me, Melanie Webb and materials taken by Mike Reilly.  Many more pictures of this student event can be found on the CCS  Facebook page.

Onward and upward, friends.

All the best,

Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

p.s.  Don't forget that the Museum of Everyday Life is having its Grand Opening on Sunday.  The featured objects are Locks and Keys. You can find more info at