Dear Friends of Bluebird Fairies,
Oh, I hope this finds you in a moment where you can take a breath and rest.
So much is going on these days and it can be hard to keep a constant, gentle focus on ourselves.
Perhaps, this can be a moment to quiet yourself and reconnect with YOU?
The fairy I've chosen to share today is-
Let's hear it for the "Fairy that Untangles the Lovely Life You're Living!"
I created her as a gift for a young woman who works with me in the Bridging Program at Champlain Community Services.
I've shared her with friends of mine and they REALLY like her. While considering how much RESONANCE she has with others I realized that I, too, gravitate to her support. Do you?
What, in your lovely life, feels tangled today?
I know this fairy's easy energy will support the untangling.
Have fun!
With Best Wishes,
Emily and the Bluebird Fairies