Having All You Need When You Need It

Dear Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

I'm hoping this post finds you well and enjoying this holiday packed season.  

Amidst the extra activities I hope you find quiet times to reflect on the year as it draws to a close.  This time honors all you have done and suggests ideas of where you might focus your energy next year.

It's good to also look at the wider world around you and recall what you've contributed to the people, organizations and ways of being that you believe in.

I'd like to share the fairy I randomly selected for this post. Once again I turned to my prototype of the 'Fairy of the Day' app. 

Here she is:

Trusting the Way.jpg

Whenever I see her I relax into her idea of 'Trusting the Way'  and join her 'Let's Go!' attitude.  She seems perfect for this time of saying goodbye to 2017 and stepping into the unknown future.

One of the notable shifts in Bluebird Fairies this year is that I've started adding color to the fairies.  On the app some of the fairies have color and others, like the one above, do not.  Now as I make more, the color seems to be coming more readily.  

So, along with presenting the idea of 2018 holding a lot of unknown things I'm going to present you with one of my new "Survival Fairies".  Here she is:

All You Need.jpg

Ah, there she is stepping out of a cloud of blue with outstretched arms and a pink dress with a big peace sign in the middle of it.  The 'Having All You Need When you Need it' Fairy is here.  Yes, 'It will be OK!'  

I look forward to connecting with you in the freshness of 2018.

Have fun!!!

All the Best,

Emily and the Bluebird Fairies


Happy Hollydaze

Dear Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

A friend wrote me an email and ended it with  "I hope you're enjoying the 'Hollydaze.'  I loved the term so I thought about making a fairy for it. Here she is:


The 'Fairy of Happy Healthy Hollydaze' sums up a lot for me. 

Her name acknowledges the high density of activities we're participating in and all the things we're doing while also holding a vision of nature.

Ah, the holly and the ivy! 

Can we aim to find a little each day as we make our way through to the end of this year??

I hope you can.

Wishing you all the best of this holiday season.


Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

and....we still hope to see you at our LOVELY studio on Saturday December 23rd (12-5) for our final Holiday Shop of the season.  Readings, tea, laughter, fairy decks, Bernie Fairy t-shirts....


Fairy of Your Outer Loveliness

Dear Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

Today, I decided to, again, pick a fairy to write about here using my prototype for the 'Fairy of the Day' app.  Here's what I received:

Outer Loveliness.jpg

Ah, the 'Fairy of my Outer Loveliness.'  (Up until now I didn't know Loveliness has an "e" in it.)

On this early morning, in my cluttered office and having a big project ahead of me, I didn't quite know how to respond to this fairy.

To get this fairy to you I needed to save it to the photos on my phone.  When I retrieved it I saw next to it a picture taken of me from the night before.  Already in my 'busy day head' I'd forgot my red dress event. 

I'd been at the Black Horse Art Gallery where Bread and Puppet Theater's Peter Schumann has a show called "Post-Apocalypse for 3/4 Empire."

I was there to perform with a small group of performers a show with the banners. And now, here I am after the show sharing a moment of 'outer loveliness' with my long-time puppeteer friend, Alexis Smith


So, I think what I want to do with this post is remind us about the magic we have in our lives.  We forget it's there and then we look again and find it.  

Do that today.  Give life a big hello and find the great in it.

Have fun!!!!

Wishing you all the best!

Emily and the Bluebird Fairies


P.S.- Here's more info on the show.

35 Black Horse Gallery

Upstairs from Vermont Art Supply, the gallery features work in a variety of mediums. December 2017: The woodcuts in Bread & Puppet-founder Peter Schumann’s “Post-apocalypse for 3/4 Empire” “address the brand-new horror of our own Empire boss’s threat to eliminate whole countries for non-compliance with Empire politics.” Artist reception during First Friday Art. Performance: Friday, 12/8, 6PM, “3/4 Empire Cantasoria” with Peter Schumann, Alexis Smith & Maria Schumann. Admission by donation, doors open at 5PM. 277 Pine St, 2nd Fl, (802) 860-4972, Open Tues-Fri, 10-6, Sat, 10-3.

(from December's Burlington Art Map)





Gentle New Beginnings

Hello Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

I hope this finds you well and filled pleasantly with the memory of how Thanksgiving played out in your life this year.

I'm getting closer to the final stages of completing my 'Fairy of the Day' app project.  I now have a prototype to show people and it's SUPER fun to do that.  

To celebrate this and to share it I decided to use it to draw a fairy to write about today.  

Here she is-

New Beginnings.png

Out of the 100 fairies in the app 37 will be new to many of you.  This is one of them. As soon as I saw her I knew she was the 'perfect fairy for the perfect moment.' Although she's actually one of my older fairies her newness prevails.

The 'Fairy of Gentle New Beginnings." She pleasantly reminds me of my fellow artist friend Gwendolyn Evans who I was next to at the Women's Festival of Crafts this past weekend. 

I know Gwendolyn will love that one of her skirts is a hopeful fresh green and appreciate that she displays her red heart on her chest.  Her words of "Allow the Joy in" and "Know there is more"  and "Let New Grow" will settle in well with many.

Let's be gentle with ourselves and all that is new. 

Onward we go into the light that opens the darkness. 

Be well and choose happiness.

All the best,

Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

Holiday Readings- 7 Days.jpg




Easy Productive Chatting

Dear Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

I hope you are doing well and that my email shines a ray of light into your life.

I returned last week from sunny Florida to a cold November and it took me down into the doldrums.  I know many others felt this and as a result many of us are reaching out more dearly and clearly to each other.

I'm reaching out to you with the drawings I did for myself to bring the light back in.  This easy "other handed" drawing technique is where all of my work springs from.  


Demon of Dark November.jpg

Here's the 'Demon of Dark November Moving into my Mind.'. In it I'm pictured with a demon in my head and a flashlight in my hand.  I was lying down when I drew this so it's a little hard to read the "antidote" beneath him. It says 'Keep finding rays of ease and honoring them'.

Productive Chatting.jpg

Next I drew the 'Fairy of Easy Productive Chatting'. Her earnest words of 'Yes', 'Oh', and 'Easy Days' helped me connect in the moment with the people around me.

Good Things Starting to Happen.jpg

And then I drew the wonderful 'Good Things are Starting to Happen' fairy.  And his saying 'Right Now' got me up off the couch and into the rest of my day.

Friends, let's connect together during the dark.  Connect with our own hearts and then out into the space where we finds others.

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving.

I am so thankful to have you all in the fairy filled life.

Much love,

Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

