Heart Thumping Love

Hello Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

I hope you're having a wonderful summer.

I took a week to be with my family in a house on the lake.  WOW. That's a wonderful thing to do.  So easily could I get used to sleeping with the sounds of lapping water in my ears.  

My fairy today is self selected.

A while back just before I was about to print what now makes up the original Bluebird Fairy Card Deck a friend suggested I check to see if a few might be missing.So I broke the one-a-day fairy drawing tradition and drew a bunch a fairies in one sitting.To assist me I made a drawing of all the circles that radiate out from us, titled each and then thought of the fairies that reside in each circle.  

The inner circle included this guy:

I love him because, for the most part, he's super general. Aren't we all driven by heart thumping love?

At times, though, he can be very specific - like the day the man I met when I first exhibited my fairy cards said "Hey that fairy looks like me!" Yes, Brian, my Fairy Prince, he does look just like you!

During our miraculous, oh-my-goodness-we're- all-together family event at the lake a wonderful thing happened to me. Brian presented me with an engagement ring, the ring my Grandmother wore. It's now on my hand.  I'm happy to share this story and hear all that flows forth when others hear it and recall to me their own stories. It's truly heart thumping love all the way through.

Photo taken by Mike Reilly last year at SEABA's birthday party.

Photo taken by Mike Reilly last year at SEABA's birthday party.

So, go on.  Find summer.  Find love in all of its many forms.  Take in the stories.

And have fun!


Emily and the Bluebird Fairies 

p.s. Check out our GoFundMe  (it's in our web site menu)


Feeding Your Bird Relationships

Dear Friends of Bluebird Fairies

I hope this posting finds you in good spirits.

I bet you've experienced this- You have a big project coming up. You talk about it a lot.  You feel it all around you. But, you've not really stepped into it....and then you do! There you find yourself, in a whole new terrain of energy and activity.  Sound familiar?

That's where I am. Right in the middle of The 'Fairy of the Day' app fundraising and creation.

With today's fairy I'll give you a sense of what I'm up to creatively.

Feeding you bird relationships.jpg

Ah, the 'The Fairy of Feeding Your Bird Relationships'.  

I had a conversation with the Governor of Vermont about when I should take my bird feeder down to avoid attracting bear.  He said "Don't take it down!  You've created relationships with these birds".  I didn't follow his suggestion but I did take a moment to think about the relationships I have going in my life on all different levels.

Suggestion: Feel and acknowledge the peripheral relationships in your life.  We love our birds!

Many of you who pick a fairy daily have created your own stories and meanings connected with the fairies. I know, at times, it can be helpful to hear a bit more about where the fairy came from. The app we're making will allow people the option to get a bit more background.  

(Eventually these thoughts will become a complimentary book for the Bluebird Fairy Deck.) 

So, I'm spending time each day writing about these fairies. It will take some time and, of course, many edits. If you have a desire to be a part of this process please let me know. And rest assured, I'm devising a way to make it not overwhelming.

And now, I'll give some love to you, dear birds, of my life-

I hope all that is brewing in your life is full and rewarding. Remember this is the time when so many things happen. Hold on to the ideas of leisure in all of this. We need to swim. We need to sit in the sun. We need to visit our friends and have them visit us. And we need to lovingly move our lives forward.

On we go!


Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

Check out the latest in my app creation project  Here

Emily Stripe.jpg



Doing Things Lightly

Hello Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

Here's an all-purpose fairy you can access any time:

After a Fairy and Demon Drawing Workshop a friend gave me this poem:

“It’s dark because you are trying too hard.

 Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. 

Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. 

Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them."                                                         -Aldous Huxley

Whenever you need this thought please find its fairy dancing all around you.  

Go lightly as you touch the realities of your life and smile through them.

Have fun!

Emily and the Bluebird Fairies



Antidote Fairy

Hello Everyone,

I hope this email finds you well.

I've begun my weekly stints with my fairy booth at the Arts Riot Truck Stop. Moving outside and into our own tent has been exhilarating and fun. I love the conversations that happen in this environment.

My fairy today is inspired by two of those conversations. In one, someone was curious about the demons that preceded my drawings of fairies. In another, a friend told me that a demon of mine which worked its way into an art piece greets him every morning when he wakes up. 

Today, I decided to make a new fairy. I took a look at the Gray Glum Demon and its antidote and this is who arrived on the scene.

I hope this fellow melts any thoughts currently darkening your inner skies. I just had a few work their way in and WOW one look at him and I was back in the sunshine. How wonderful to experience a shift back from the darkness and into the beauty all around us. Please give it a try.

We're sending you great thoughts for this week that brings us Summer.


Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

p.s. Here's a picture of the Gray Glum Demon and his antidote and job description. I see that his last words have been distorted. They are "this human condition"


Grey Glum Demon.jpg

Loving it Into Place

Hello Friends,

I hope you're enjoying the wonderful days of this time of year.  So full of flowers and possibility.

The shift into different days is approaching with the Summer Solstice.

Here's a fairy that revealed itself to me today as I was tidying things up and it seemed so perfect.

I worked on a big project with some friends a few years ago. "Loving it into Place" was our motto for getting through the hurdles.  

So often my conversations with people in my Fairy Booth allow me to remind them to share a bit of the love they wonderfully pour into the world with themselves.  

So, today, love yourself and your projects into place.  And have fun doing it!!!

All the best,

Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

P.S. I'm back at the Truck Stop!  Please find me outside our my new tent.