Fairy of BEing With

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are well and enjoying the Magical Month of October.

Wow! It’s been over a month since the South End Art Hop. What fun it was opening our studio to new and returning friends for amazing conversations about ‘these earnest little drawings that help you do big things.’

That experience and several fairy-filled events that followed inspired the creation of this fairy:

BEing with.jpg

Ah, the ‘Fairy of BEing With.’ There you are with your outstretched arms saying ‘We Can.”

The feeling I felt when I drew this fairy now lives in it. Since drawing it, I have been sensing new ways that my life is showing me that I am not alone. That I am, in fact, BEing with others.

If you are welcoming this into your life, ‘The Fairy of BEing With’ will contribute its support.

Onward and upward we go!


Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

A few announcements and a big Thank You!!

For several years, Edward Burke has been supporting the idea of an exhibit of Bluebird Fairies at the Pathways Vermont Community Center where he works. It’s up! For the month of October, 62 fairies are hanging in here on N. Winooski Ave. in Burlington.


And, there’s going to be a Fairy and Demon Drawing Workshop! Everyone interested is welcome to attend.


Thank you, Edward!

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Zinnia Fairy

Hello Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

I’ve not written for a LONG time but I’m pleased to let you know that I’m happy and well and looking forward to connecting with all of you at Art Hop this year. Of course, not everyone will be coming out again because we are still in the middle of a pandemic. Do what feels right for you. Just know, we’ll be safely here on the 3rd floor of the Howard Space Building (corner of Pine and Howard). (though sunday, I might not be. It’s my Mom’s birthday)

This lovely fairy came into my life recently:

Zinnia Fairy.jpg

Oh, I just love the Zinnia Fairy with its red Zinnia head and green stem. Its exaltations of ‘maintain childlike humor’ and ‘have courage’ ring true in my life as Ted Andrew’s symbolism of animals and plants always does.

As we move through these challenging times please take these words of wisdom into your heart and use them whenever you can.

At Art Hop, along with all the new/old fairies and demons, I’m excited to showcase a new series of Toy Theaters I created using stories people at Art Hop 2020 shared with me about what they’d gained/lost during our ‘Stay Home/Stay Safe time.’ I have been very touched to hold their stories.

The Personal Theater of Pandemic.jpg

One thing that has been a big focus of mine this summer, has been working on a chapter for a book called (working title) “The Afterlives of Puppeteers". I’ll be exhibiting Bread and Puppet Theater photos in my studio from my years with the theater company to keep that project moving forward.

If I don’t see you, be well. If I do see you, wonderful.

Thank you so much for your continued attention for Bluebird Fairies.

We love you!

Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

Shaky Tenderness Beyond Our Fear

Hello Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

I hope this finds you right where you are.

I've not written since February when the Lunar New Year began.

Where have I been? Well…. last year when the pandemic began, I shared the ‘You Have Two Choices Fairy’ inspired by Dr. Christiane Northup:

“In this time, we have two choices; down the rabbit hole or through the portal”.

So, I chose a 9-month portal; Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) at Laughing River Yoga.

It is good, however, to be back in the studio of Bluebird Fairies and feeling the call of my energy towards this work we're doing here. I believe my yoga training will enhance all that we do.

I know that all of you have had your portals in the past year- I will note that my dear friend and collaborator Gwendolyn says that all portals can be rabbit holes at times and rabbit holes can also be portals. After my recent portal experience, I agree.

So I’m wondering what have they been for you? And how are you doing?

This fairy I created and shared with my fellow YTTers seems so fitting for us now. Here she is:

Shaky Tenderness Beyond Our Fear.jpg

Welcome to the ‘Fairy of the Shaky Tenderness Beyond Our Fear’ with your bright red heart, outstretched arms with tender green sprouts and statement of ‘Your bravery is here.’

She’s inspired by the words of Chogyam Trungpa in his book; Shambala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior.

"We may not discover bravery right away. Instead, we may find a shaky tenderness beyond our fear. We are still quivering and shaking, but there is a tenderness rather than a bewilderment."

Onward and upward!

With Love,

Emily and the Bluebird Fairies

Fairy of the Dedicated and Powerful OX

Hello Friends,

Happy Lunar New Year!

This is the Year of the Metal OX. There are 12 animals in this Zodiac and each animal moves through the 5 elements of wood, fire, earth, metal and water. So while it takes 12 years for each animal to have its year, it takes 60 years for each animal/element combination to return.

What does the return of the Metal Ox mean? It was last here in 1961 when the world was so different. And yet, this is an ancient practice. My 60 year question is just a small query in a cosmos of wonder.

Here’s the fairy I created for this holiday:

Fairy of the OX 2021.jpg

Yes, in a cosmos of deep pink the strong ‘Fairy of the Dedicated and Powerful OX’ stands with its coat of gold and its face of blue. I love its loving words of wisdom “Tend to your personal needs and those of others!” and “Clear, pare down and simplify.”

Susan Levitt of Mother Tongue Ink writes:

“Oxen are reliable and strong work animals. They were responsible for the survival of humanity. That same sense of power and dedication are goals to strive for in Ox year, a time of focused work to complete what was started in Rat year 2020. Success is achieved through diligent and conscientious effort.

2021 is a Metal year to clear out, pare down, and simplify.

Onward we go!

Sending you a wonderful breath of good energy.


Emily and the Bluebird Fairies.

A Midwinter Fairy of Hope

Hello Friends of Bluebird Fairies,

I hope this writing finds you happily open and aware.

For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, February brings welcome light into our lives.

It’s the time of Imbolc; the Celtic holiday that marks the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Here’s a fairy for the holiday-


Ah, ‘the Fairy of Imbolc’ standing on snow beneath a star filled sky and holding a green candle in each hand. We celebrate your words of “We welcome the light.”

Here’s a piece of writing called ‘Imbolc’ by Maeanna Welti written for Mother Tongue Ink and included in this year’s We’Moon Datebook.

“Breathe into emptiness. Stir in the silence that winter gifted you. Touch new skin, the surprise aliveness, the contours winter revealed. There is an echoing silence that precedes every new thing.

Imbolc is the insistence of the spring waters, pushing up through cold earth. It is the restlessness of birdsong, the persistence of the sap. It is the dark that folds around all that is stirring, saying: Pace yourself, love.

Imbolc calls us to be simple. We have nothing but what winter left us. We have nothing but our own stirring heartbeats and desires. Nothing but the fire in our bellies that warmed us through the deepest darks. It is time to polish ourselves. To clear, clean, hone. To stand in the barest simplicity of our aliveness and promise ourselves to service, to spring.

Make a simple promise. To our wholeness, to becoming. Find the seed inside you, swollen with its own longing, that insists, with all the force of life, that it will sprout when the time is right. Simple, naked, clean, fiercely alive.

I just love this writing and hope it finds resonance for you right now.

I also would like you to know that Gwendolyn Evans and I taped a video in which we share this year’s Energy Map. Please check it out here. I’ll continue to share the fun and insightful work she and I are doing here on my web site.

On we go!!


Emily and the Fairies